I am living in the far northern part of Germany but travelling about 7 months every year – privately or by job.
Since more than 40 years I am a professional seafarer (consequently: “MARINER Photography” …!) and in the age of 4 years I already sailed on ships of my father. Which shaped my future.
The fascination of shipping, the ports and countries of this planet should be shared with others which I try to do so by the present website.
Beside of the shipping themes I have even more interests in photography: especially people/portraits, country sides, animals, monochrome pictures and more.
This website has no commercial character and is established “to have fun”.
“BUT”: if somebody likes my pictures regarding portraits & people, we could arrange a shooting in the vicinity of the county Schleswig-Holstein of Germany. Otherwise I already made some in San Francisco, New York, Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, too.
Get in contact with me by email …!